Monday, April 24, 2006


Data and Observations

This is the data and the observations gathered so far on the applets, starting with Day 1, the planting, and ending for now at Monday, April 3rd, as quoted or paraphrased from my Official Apple Notes. (Ok, so right now they have their home in my dark-blue ZoBot notebook, but still...)

Monday, 3/20: 126 seeds planted and soaked with water. Seeds were previously frozen for approximately three weeks in Mr. Forbush's freezer and set out for about a week to "defrost." Will record more when and if sprouts appear. According to some plant forums and sources online, it is next to worthless to plant seeds from store apples, as they are difficult to grow and unlikely to produce desireable fruit. But we'll see.

Monday, 3/27: 2 sprouts found, possible third. Locations mapped in grid drawn in notebook for future reference. Seeds will be numbered in order of appearance or discovery and marked on map.

Tuesday, 3/28: Sprout #2 taking off like crazy. Height table is as follows for today:

#1:0.6 cm
#2:2 cm

Wedensday, 3/28: Four more sprouts confirmed.

#1:0.6 cm
#2:3.1 cm

Thursday, 3/30: #2 was accidentally uprooted in a class following mine. #1 is struggling. 4 sprouts discovered. May be more tomorrow/over the weekend. Doing better than expected for germinating already.

#1:0.6 cm
#2:3.4 cm
#30.8 cm
#42.2 cm
#51.9 cm
#61.0 cm
#71.5 cm
#80.1 cm

Fri. 3/31: Two more sprouts discovered during watering. Some plants are really growing, others struggling. #1 may not make it. Watered really well for weekend, as they will be left in the classroom without anyone to water them.

#2:3.7 cm
#32.0 cm
#43.1 cm
#52.8 cm
#62.0 cm
#71.5 cm
#80.1 cm

Mon. 4/3: Eight new sprouts. Eight!! #1 still struggling. #4 really growing well. Much, much more successful than expected so far. Turned planter so plants wouldn't lean towards "sun."

#1:N/D cm
#2:4.5 cm
#33.5 cm
#46.0 cm
#54.3 cm
#65.8 cm
#75.0 cm
#84.3 cm
#93.0 cm
#123.0 cm
#13*1.0 cm
#14*1.0 cm
#15*2.8 cm
#16*0.7 cm
#17*1.5 cm
#18*2.6 cm
#19*0.7 cm
#20*1.7 cm

(New info on the applets, 4/24 and on to date of publication)

There is a spot on one of the plants. It looks like it may be an area that might have been damaged by light magnified or whatever by a water droplet. It is only showing up on this one plant though, and only on the one leaf. I hope it isn't any sort of disease. As much as this is a scientific experiment, I cannot help but be attached to these little guys.
I am trying to get the data in here at least in some sort of table, preferably one table with all the dates, all the plant #s, and all their individual info to catch myself up, but I haven't got the patience as of yet to be messing with that much html right now. At least, as far as I can see it. If someone out there has a better way to do this, please share! I welcome any tips you may have. This annoying format that will continue, old stuff with new stuff under a "********" line, is what I will have to use until I get everything up. I apologize. I hate the coding I did use. It's a huge pain. And thus, I got bored and stopped about a third of the way through the old data before continuing down here.

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