Sunday, April 23, 2006
Leaf Shapes
There is some of my little forest. They are coming up on being a month old, many of them. We are still getting new sprouts, but not on the daily basis they used to be. The official population of the planter-thing is 29 which have sprouted, and three which have died.
This past Friday, the 21st, I noticed that the plants are developing some distinct leaf shapes. Some of the leaves are fat and roundish like this one, seen on plant #18, at right.
Others are long and thin, like Willow leaves, as on plant #8, to your left now.. Compare to the leaf shape seen in the same photo, the slight hearts on plant #15, in the upper right of the photo.
This may suggest that I will be getting a few different varieties of apple when and if these eventually produce fruit. Further research on the subject will tell me that much, at least. It really is rather interesting to be seeing this little population grow and all the variety in the same bag of grocery apples!
Then there are some with distinct lobing developing. Plant #6, here, one of the plants doing quite well, also has deeper veins than the others.
The cotlydon leaves are still on most of the plants, modeled here by plant #24. It is obvious in all the applets which leaves are their "baby leaves," as they are smooth and flat and rounded rather than "toothy" as the adult leaves are. The baby leaves are also considerably thicker than the adult leaves to the touch.
Plants #6 and #4 have both been doing exceptionally well from the start. They are significantly larger than the others already and seem to be very, very healthy.
The next entry will start the record of observations and data to date.
So far, only three plants of 29 sprouted have died, plants #1, #3, and #5 have all died by the date of this posting. #1 just never grew, #3 was bent over by unknown causes, possibly some moron in a Biology class following my hour, and #5 looked unhealthy for a few weeks, as if underwatered, though it recieved the same watering as all the others.