Sunday, April 30, 2006


Plant #28

I have been tracking the development of #28 with one photo every day so we can watch one of them grow. I picked #28 just because it was young, and easy to get photos of without much interference from other things.

<--- The first photo here to the left was taken on the 25th, just after watering, as can be seen by the water drop lounging around.

---> The photo to the right is the day after. "Grown-up" leaves have come up out of the protection of the cot leaves. I should probably look up all the real, scientific names for all of these things and use those. But this works just as well for now. You can see the tiny little teeth present on the adult leaves. Nifty, isn't it?

<--- This is after another day passed, on Thursday the 27th. Not a whole lot of change. The cot leaves opened a little more and the adults began opening up, too. Not sure why the leaf curved over like that.

---> And this Friday, the 28th, this is what #28 looked like.
The leaves are opening and growing. He's acquired a little tag to keep him company. As well, during this period, he is growing, obviously. He leans a bit towards the light, however, because he's on the edge. This should be remedied soon when we adjust the growing station to allow for the fact that many of the plants are too tall to remain where they are.

I'm really rather proud of all my little buggers. Especially since the majority are less than a month old. Today is the day that plant #9 and plant #10 are one month exactly. Happy, err...sproutday! This of course would be much more reliable if I could monitor the plants over the weekends and breaks, too. As it is, I believe that over the first weekend in April, there were no less than eight sprouted before I arrived that Monday morning. But I am a student, and I seriously doubt I could talk anyone into giving me a key so I could check them over the weekend. Perhaps next year, when I am a senior and the new principal and assistant principal have had more time to know my character.

This is an overview of my little forest as of Friday:

I really need to learn to stop taking those on an angle. The good news is that I am now entirely up-to-date on the data. Every post now will be new data and photos.

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